25 September 2011

Mediocrity strategy

Team QUON is pleased to announce that it has proudly been supporting mediocrity since 2010. In line with it's Triathlon back ground (mediocrity in 3 sports is better than excellence in any) Team QUON is pleased to release the following highly classified information.

After the widly applauded mediocrity strategy of Old Bulls Vs Young Bulls in 2010! The latest strategy involves all participates getting 1 point to encourage participation in QUON events and holdy handy feel-goodyness throughout the team. This will ensure there is no definite leader at the end of the season, and that everyone will be applauded for being mediocre.

But thomo can have a bonus point for being thomo. Hi 5!!


bigdog said...

Spelled strategy wrong dumbass!

The strategist said...

You sure?

Big Dog said...

Participates, participants. Tomato, tomarto

DOMinator said...

I'm backkkkkk