27 October 2008

Quon Stalker on the Prowl

The QUON Stalker hones in on her target.
Like a large savage striped cat-like creature, she stalks the weak QUON members first.
He is dizzy from the sun. He is resigned to his fate.


Anonymous said...

what another ginga, preston do something about this

Anonymous said...

A recent email amongst the Elders, and a subsequent phone call has sent the Quon hierarchy into a spin.
No further updates available, however it is highly unlikely that scottyrocks qoam will be tackling the ginga war; entering into the quonavan debate, youth policy or any other quon issue in the short term.
Very interesting times indeed!

Anonymous said...

No way, the stalker prefers my smooth, salty nads.

Rads' Nads - always smooth, always salty, always satisfying.

Anonymous said...

Is that Ginga british, why does he wear a british top and british addidas bottoms. What about some FUBU?

Anonymous said...

Gee I'm glad you covered my face with that pixelated trickery. I don't know what I would have done had my identity been revealed.

Can't wait for wednesday boys. I will be watching from a distance...

Anonymous said...

I can't believe she didn't pick me first. I am even riding the crits to impress her. Shattered she won't be there to see my debut.

Anonymous said...

I have been waiting a year and she goes and picks a ginga. Disappointing.

Anonymous said...

Dom and Tonii - don't worry, Br George has a keen eye on you two.

Anonymous said...

I too race the crits to impress this wiley temptress