23 July 2010

Team QUON Moves Forward

Brothers, it’s been more than two months since I delivered my landmark 5 point plan that outlined my 12-month vision for Team QUON. For those who were in attendance I don’t need to remind you of the collective inspiration we all felt on that historic night.

Since this time I have been delighted to see Team QUON move forward from a timid and uncertain group of individuals to a stronger, more robust and confident outfit. A team that’s no longer afraid of wind and relishes the taste of lactate.

This has, without doubt, been the most magnificent start of any QUON master in the history of our great team. I am sure you would agree with me.

It is, however, a great shame that we still have many arm flappers in our midst. These people are the cancer of the QUON. They claim to have a stake in our team yet they rarely participate in any regular QUON event.

Many questions need to be asked about their commitment to our team. Where are these people during the hour of terra; where are these people during the Shambles; where were these people during the SOO1 night; where were these people during the great QUON challenge between Randwick and myself? So many questions.

These people know who they are. They’re the ones with the loud voices and flapping arms. The one’s with the mantra ‘somebody do something’. I will continue to question their dedication to our team. Make no mistake: I will out them and expose them for the phoneys they are.

But in the meantime we are moving forward and taking real action. Forward to greater prosperity.

Tonight my brothers I am pleased to present to you the QUON schedule of events for the year.

Brothers, brace yourselves for the greatest season the QUON has ever experienced. I encourage each of you to get involved and put every effort into our team. To those who aren’t on board, I give you this advice: start riding and stop flapping. See you on the bike.



just saying said...

Yeah but what are the 5 points. Sheeeesh.

Peter Harvey said...

More lip flapping, bagging the arm flappers. Are you sure you two arn't politicians?