26 August 2010

30 days hath September

During the 30 days of September, the official period of the "2011 QUON Transfer Window" will transpire.

This is the only time that QUONabee's will be interviewed and considered for selection into the greatest cycling team ever assembled for the 2010/2011 season.

Potential QUON Rookies need full endorsement from an existing QUON member( their sponsor), and with their endorsement comes strict guidelines and severe penalties if the QUONabee does not stack up.

Details, criteria and guidelines will be published on the dribble in 7 days. If you don't know what the the dribble is; piss off and enjoy your triathlon season.


Holden Torana said...

But I'm overseas? I want in.

the ghost of bustling billy bennett said...

Where; TURKEY?


Bosworth said...

OK guys - who's going to be my sponsor?

trumpet terra said...

I will.