Style tips # 4
Welcome to the fourth edition of Team Quon’s style tips.
I hope you enjoyed the last Style Edition that featured the article on the Pez Cycling website ( Thank you to everyone for the great feedback.
Here is the second part:
Clipping out:
Hard to believe, but this one actually deserves its own paragraph. One of the easiest ways to determine the experience level of a cyclist is to see how early they clip out before coming to a stop. A novice rider will clip out as much as a block before a stop sign or red light. A real beginner will clip out a block before a green light, just on the off chance that it might turn red by the time they get to it.
To look cool, let the bike come to a full stop before clipping out. To look Eurocool, never clip out. Track stands are the only acceptable way to wait at a red light. And please, no basket-clips and no mountain bike shoes on the road bike! Wearing sneakers or mountain bike shoes on the road indicates that you intend to spend more time with your feet on the ground than in the pedals. You’re a cyclist, darn it, not a pedestrian!
The Shambles/HoT Ride Hero:
Although getting dropped on a hard Hot or Shambles ride isn’t cool, there are actually more ways to look un-cool on an easy bunch ride. The best way to look un-cool is by pushing the pace over 50 kph or by doing your intervals off the front of the ride. Easy Bunch rides are for recovery and socializing. You’re not going to impress anyone by ramping up the pace.
Unfortunately, messing up the pace is just as easy to do on the HoT ride and this is where things get really complicated. Sprinting at the wrong moment, setting the wrong pace up a climb or pushing the tempo at the wrong time can draw just as much scorn as pushing the pace on a recovery ride. Get to know the etiquette of a group ride by doing it at least two or three times before even thinking about getting to the front.
To look cool, show up to the Shambles ride skip the mocha coffee and raisin toast after the ride in favor of an espresso and a croissant. And please, never order any drink that has whip cream spilling out over the top of the cup. You didn’t ride hard enough to burn off 20 grams of fat and 600 calories.
Group Ride Etiquette:
Have you ever seen a pro team on a training ride? Side by side, shoulder to shoulder, quietly zipping along. Then, there is the Triathlete Group ride. You actually hear it before you see it. Slowing! Right Side! Stopping! Rolling! Hole! Then you see it. 25 riders spread out over an entire city block, three, sometimes four, wide. Weaving, swarming cars, running stop signs. Keep your group ride cool with the following four rules of thumb. 1) Never ride more than two abreast. 2) Never allow more than six inches distance between your front wheel to the rear wheel of the rider in front of you. 3) Maintain a distance, no more than 12 inches from your shoulder to the shoulder of the rider next to you. 4) It only takes one person to call things out. This should be the person at the front of the pack. Ideally, a little point of the hand is all it takes to indicate obstructions or turns. It shouldn’t take two dozen people yelling at the top of their lungs to make a ride run smoothly.
To look cool, keep the group tight, wheel to wheel and shoulder to shoulder. To look Euro-cool, only ride with other Quon cyclist wearing team kit. If this is not possible, make sure there are no more than three different kits in the pack and that there are at least three riders wearing each kit. And please, never swarm cars at stop lights or steer a large group of riders through a red light. It’s just not cool.
you guys are losers. The supercrit thursday page run by Joel Stewart and Pothole is better. Grow up. What a joke.
I am Spud
Yes it is true. I am he. I am the dedicated cyclist here for the long haul. O the shame...
I am Rads. Hear me roar. Growl!
Where are you Lightspeed Dave? I left the front light on for you.
Lovely article, I hope I can come along to your HOT ride and SHAMBLES at some stage. Although, I don't know if I would be very cool as all I will be doing is perving and let's be honest here - you guys, especially the little chaps, really float my boat.
roses are red,
team quon is blue,
tq stalker,
i'm in love with you
Do you fuckheads actually race bikes?
Please give me a bit more cred, it is Litespeed Dave, not Lightspeed.
Now it looks like we do have something in common, you have nude nuts and I have a nude head.
I ride a Litespeed, do you ride a Litespeed.
we race bikes
we race them good
calling us fuckheads is not really cool either. do you actually race bikes or just ride around pretending?
Trackstands at traffic lights is NOT cool...
Is is "Quon cool" etiquette for a Quon Brother to ride to work in full Quon gear and then get the missus to come and pick him up at 10 to 4 cause it's Friday afternoon?? Quon Brother - you know who you are!!!
Trackstands not cool? Obviously johnny is an unskilled gumby. Or perhaps his big nuts get in the way...
TQ riders on mountain bikes at Stromlo in the 24hr race? Next there will be cats and dogs living together. I think TQ should have run the QM for the ACT election...
Stromlo? Oh, no. I missed out on hot bodies dressed in Team Quon blue getting sweaty and dirty. How will I live with myself. Please publish details of all your endeavours early so that I can turn up to drool.
Don't panic, QS: not all the boys could be bothered pulling on the team kit in it's full glory...You didn't miss much.
O I'm not going to panic, the thought of the boys in nothing at all makes me drool even more, was Jay there? I miss seeing his succulent pecs and juicy glutes.
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