21 January 2010

A lesson for us all.

Ever since Bon Joxall passed away, it has become quite obvious that the QUON is lacking in the ability to count, the skill to apply conceptional reasoning to mathematical equations, and the team does not understand the definition of 'wing man'.
Please let me explain 3 integral qualities that belong in the QUON handbag.

THE ABILITY TO COUNT - if a QUON team has the most points at the end of the season, we win.

CONCEPTUAL REASONING - in order for a QUON team to get the most points at the end of a season, we have to devise complex strategies to ensure we maximise the points available to each rider in the team. These complex strategies may include not smashing the field before you have maxed out your available points in each grade that you find yourself in.

NEVER, EVER LEAVE YOUR WINGMAN - this was a mantra we learnt in Mirimar - Top gun School for the best of the best naval aviators going around. This can be dumbed down to " do what it takes to get the best result for the QUON". Bon Joxall is still there for us all in spirit. You just have to look deep into your heart, ( or call him on 0437 293 613 )

Greatness will come with the ability to count, and everyone knows, I love to count!


BDog said...

I am the Count of Monty Fisto, and I only hear the the referee count to 10 every time I knock someone out!

A randomn QUON Rookie said...

*!%$ Boxall. Who is he? I have never seen him. Why the *!% won't he even come for a beer with us.

There are some serious man love issues around here with his name still being bandied around 13 years after he died in some hole.

*!%$ this I'm going to bed to watch my Gaydel video.

I saw the end of the Boxall era said...

We don't invite Boxall with us to drink beer - he is a guts and he will drink it all.

As for the man love -


I am about to get married said...

I agree with the Count.
We don't want to stuff it up like last year!

Anonymous said...

Hey Count, how about counting how many dummy spits Mouldy and his Quonabee have had this season.
That should keep you busy!

The Green Athletes Foot drink bottle said...

Oh F@%$ no, just leave the guy alone..... he has a mean right arm on him!


I am doing A Grade miles said...

Are you sure he is not a cacky?

I'm a ginger and a cacky said...

Nothing wrong with left handers

mr. olympia said...

That's a well photoshopped 'gun' in the lower picture SWP