14 January 2010

SuperCrit Thursday. Super cool.

Team QUON, came, saw, and got conquered by the Vikings (so, yes - the feud is still on). Big thanks to Shalan (not pictured) for the wheel loan.

Rumour also has it that Jamie has vowed to race nude if more than 5 QUON boys turn up on a Thursday.

If Jamie was a chick (see picture of Jamie P from My Name's Earl) rather than a dude (unfortunatley he actually looks more like the fat brother from the same show) then we would be all over it.

PS - Any QUONners who turn up next week are simply curious. (except Mouldy)


Hats Off..... said...

to Mrs Youngo!

Jamie's Tattered Gooch said...

Looking forward to this!

QUON Stalker said...

I am way hotter than her. Line up boys!