skin & bones - twittering at the 58km mark. Didn't he realise it was a race! Finished, but will carry the scars for life. STRONG
Greggo - too many donuts, too fat, shattered his rear axle. DNF
McDuff - stayed in bed and watched Pretty Woman DVD whilst snuggling. DNS
'house of' - 2 rides in 2 months, then attacks the hardest 100km ever with gusto. TUFF
patty - ignored officials when asked to pull out. They chased him on foot, and tackled him COPS style, and cable tied him to the 'coach of courage' for the 2 hour bus ride back to QUONlo. It would of been quicker if he rode. DNF
Simi - 0 from 15. another DNF in QUON colours. Was he worried the rain would make his hair frizzy. DNS.
G'String - brother of Big Undies got some runs on the board in his first official outing. IMPRESSIVE
Scottyrocks - put to bed the mud demons from 2003 and 2006 24hr races. He is now at peace with Huey, the God of Rain. JOYOUS
So Patty was pulled off by a CORC official.
Would of?
Try would have....idiot
Was their a Mr Whippy out there serving soft serves?
The soft-serve train rolls out from the station again.
But where were the hard men???
I went shopping for metrosexual clothes at the mall instead of eating soft serve in the rain.
Was so wet I actually slipped on the escalator and banged my elbow up real bad.
So I look and dress better now, AND had a tougher time than you soft c*cks.
I am glad to hear you didn't fall on the escalator and smash your lip.
As no one likes a hair-lip.
Well done to those who raced. The race reports on line say it was the toughest conditions ever.
smithy - hair lip - funny
Hare lip
Hare lip
Do you have a stutter and an annoying need to correct everyones grammar and spelling - dickhead!
Go to hell. My wife, my mum and my mother-in-law think I am handsome. Add HOT for my mother-in-law!
Apart from his gramatical and spelling mistakes (that have been very cleverly pointed out - wankers), what is wrong with this article.
You boys need to toughen up a little bit, and thank christ he has mellowed over the years!
Geez it was a MTB race after all, what is wrong with a bit of rain/mud. You boys with a DNS against your name need to wipe the sand from you manginas!
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