24 August 2009

Liverpool nurses ROCK

Excuse the pun in the title, but give me 8 broken ribs, a punctured lung and a shattered collarbone any day.

...sent from my i-phone, that is tougher than me!


GTE said...

When I broke my collarbone, I had prettier nurses than that.

le spud said...

Liverpool Hospital?

If the nurse isn't a weekend prostitute or a drug addict be thankful

The rock said...

The nurses were hot - even the female ones.
The injury has changed me - I am leaving Brenna and moving in with Carl. He is gay and homeless, and I have plenty of properties that 2 poofs could rent.
I love you all, and thank you for your well wishes

Rads' Nads said...

Rads' Nads is back. Apologies for being quiet but I have been investigating new and devious ways of keeping my undercarriage smooth. Anyone interested in a group waxing? And where is the Quon Stalker?